September - December

OK, so it's been a while - but there was a slight delay when the reality finally sunk in that, although the cottage is small, this project is big! We decided that while we continued to clear the property out, we would enlist the expertise of an architect as all the complicated Building Control requirements were too much for us to get our head around.
Over the last few months there has been seemingly little change to the property, but in fact we had been cleaning brick work, lifting the original floors, getting lots of asbestos removed etc. It doesn't look like much progress, but with our hopes of being 'in by Christmas' completely dashed, there was no rush and it was worth spending time getting things right.      

The cottage as it looked in September:

The architects impression of what it will look like!

Work undertaken:
We had to lift all the pamment tiles as the floors need to be dug out...

Our lovely buff pamments, which I'd hoped to reuse. 
But naturally, it's too expensive to have these relaid and it complicates floor levels :(

Cleaning bricks (asbestos risk - hence protective wear)

Oli takes the final ceilings down...

Another find - found in the ground level ceiling/1st level floor - a tag from a corset

Nice autumnal evening!