
As Christmas neared, we were ready to choose a builder to undertake further works and after a few months of being out to tender, we decided and works started almost immediately. The progress has been astounding but ironically, after it being one of the mildest Christmases on record (averaging about 7-8c degrees), wintery conditions set in getting as low as -9-12c with snow! Typical!

Progress over the last week and a half:
Floors dug out, being filled with rubble from internal wall bricks 
that has been knocked down (in living room)...

Living room wall gone!

 Garden wall gone and earth cleared.

Foundations for the extension...

Block work and steel in.

 Scaff up and new roof delivered...

Scaff at back.

Not much room on site!!

Roof off...

Our rotten roof...

Gables and chimney coming down...
The builder said the chimney was precariously swaying as he started 
taking it down - it wouldn't have stood much longer.

No gables, no roof - view from the road

New brick work on the gable ends using the old bricks.

No gables, no roof, no floors!!!

Me, figuring out where the new chimney will come up.

Just in case!

New floors!!!!

Trusses up, but then we had snow!!! They managed to batten and felt in the end, but unfortunately throughout a couple of days of snow and sub zero temperatures.

Snow in the living room!

When Oli arrived there was no snow - we had this snowfall in 10 mins, and it continued well after that.